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Free Tutorial – Master Algorithms Fundamentals



Establishing an algorithm is an essential step in any computer development: An algorithm is the solution to any problem written in human language which is then programmed by rewriting it (translating it) in any computer language this is the final stage of development. Which mean that if you have the algorithm(s) : the solution(s) of a problem you can then translate it to any programming language simply by using the syntax of this programming language. THIS is why if you want to become a very good programmer the first thing you should do is Mastering Algorithms.

In this course, you will study algorithms fundamentals and algorithmic basics and basic elements of an algorithm with a lot of examples and corrected exercises.


I) General Structure Of An Algorithm

II) Variables And Constants

II.1. Variable Definition

II.2. Variable declaration

II.3. The Constants

III) Basic Instructions

III.1. The assignment (affectation) instruction

III.2. The input (entry) instruction

III.3.The output (display) instruction

IV) Comments


Exercise 01 : Average of two numbers

Exercise 02: Calculation

Exercise 03: Permutation of two variables

Exercise 04: Evaluation of expressions

Exercise 05: Equivalent of an expression

Exercise 06: Morgan’s Laws

Exercise 07: Operator priority

Who this course is for:

  • Everyone, especially people who are interested in programming and becoming a developer(a programmer) and who are tending to study programing languages.

Course content

  • Introduction1 lecture • 5min
  • Introduction
  • I) General Structure Of An Algorithm1 lecture • 2min
  • I) General Structure Of An Algorithm
  • II) Variables And Constants3 lectures • 20min
  • II) Variables And Constants
  • III) Basic Instructions5 lectures • 19min
  • III) Basic Instructions
  • IV) Comments1 lecture • 3min
  • IV) Comments
  • Corrected Exercises14 lectures • 30min
  • Corrected Exercises
  • Thank You And Announcement of Chapter 021 lecture • 1min
  • Thank You And Announcement of Chapter 02


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