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Web Development Masterclass – Online Certification Course

Last updated on October 16, 2024 9:52 am


What you’ll learn

  • Understand the essentials of Local and Wide Area Networks
  • Setup a basic network.
  • Register a domain name with Domain Privacy
  • Forward a domain, renew and administer a domain
  • Configure Nameservers and DNS Zone Files
  • Create and Configure a Testing server on a Local Windows or MAC System.
  • Configure a Production web server on popular cloud hosting platforms.
  • Create disk backups and install disk images on a virtual server
  • Setup Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine
  • Install and configure WAMP for Windows
  • Install and configure MAMP for MAC
  • Administer a remote server using PuTTY or Terminal
  • Proficiently navigate the Linode Virtual Server Dashboard
  • Configure Security Settings on a Virtual Ubuntu Server
  • Scale a virtual server up and down depending on needs
  • Install LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, PhpMyAdmin) on a local and remote server
  • Setup users and access privileges on an Ubuntu server
  • Upload files using FileZilla FTP Client
  • Proficiently Program in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, and AJAX
  • Create mobile responsive web applications using Bootstrap
  • Create unique animated objects using jQuery
  • Create and administer MySQL databases using PhpMyAdmin
  • Create Web-based Login Authentication using PHP and MySQL
  • Create the famous “Google Search Suggest” Feature using AJAX and PHP
  • Create server and client side validation algorithms for web forms.
  • Use Google Apps for Work to setup a customized business email address

This course offers a comprehensive look into the entire web development process – from local server configuration using WAMP and MAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) to production deployment using the latest web technologies including: LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, PHP and MySQL) for Ubuntu, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, and AJAX.

The content is ideal for those interested in working as a web developer, launching a web application, or devoted enthusiasts. The concepts explored in this course are suitable for individuals of all skill levels. Each module starts with the fundamental concepts and gradually transitions into more advanced material.

What makes this course unique?

This course is specifically intended to teach students to develop web applications using the most efficient methods and the latest web technologies. Through live demonstrations we teach the importance of using scalable cloud hosting infrastructures during the development process. This includes small informational websites of only a few pages to advanced ‘big data’ style, dynamic web applications. We go through several live examples of web development and Linux based server configurations on popular Cloud hosting providers such as Linode. 

Section 1 & 2 (Introduction, How the Internet Works)

The course begins with with an overview of learning objectives. We then explore how the internet works, including the composition and transmission of data packets over both local and wide-area Networks. Next we take a look at the HTTP and HTTPS protocols as applicable to client and server side communications – including DNS Lookups. This section will also teach students how email exchange works over SMTP and IMAP. The role of Network Ports and Firewalls are also introduced.

Section 3, 4: (The Web Development Process, Planning a Website)

Students will gain an understanding of all the steps involved in the web development process.

Section 5: Web Hosting and System Requirements

We conduct an in-depth case analysis of web hosting solutions including: Shared, Virtual Private, Dedicated and Cloud Hosting.

We provide an overview of various packages offered by different web hosting companies and weigh the pros and cons of each one.

Students are also introduced to the importance of web server scalability and the advantages of cloud hosting over traditional hosting services. We also examine the infrastructure requirements of popular, resource intensive applications such as Netflix and Facebook to emphasize the importance of avoiding costly mistakes in the initial stages of development.

Section 6: Domain Names

We provide an overview of the domain name registration process. This includes the role of registrars and TLD (Top Level Domain) administration by ICANN. ccTLD’s (Country Code Top Level Domains) are also explored.

Students gain hands-on experience with the registration process using popular domain registrars. We provide a comparison of different registrars and register a sample domain name using GoDaddy. Other topics of discussion include: domain name privacy and administration, auto-renewal, domain forwarding, and name server assignment.

Section 7: Testing Environment

Students are introduced to configuring a local testing server on a PC or MAC system using WAMP (Windows) or MAMP (MAC). The lessons provide a detailed guide on installation of the packages and an overview of the interface.

Section 8: Production Environment

Students acquire the skills needed to optimally configure a live production environment for securely hosting web applications on a cloud server (Linode). The section starts with an overview of different cloud hosting providers such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Linode and Digital Ocean.

We then provide a live demonstration of server setup using Linode. This includes deployment of Ubuntu and installation of LAMP Stack (Linux) on the Linode Server using remote access consoles such as Terminal (MAC) and PuTTY for Windows.

Students gain an in-depth knowledge of server maintenance, file and directory commands. We also explore SSH Authentication for multiple users and file permissions to reduce security vulnerabilities. Remote Desktop connections for server administration are taught, using Tight VNC (Windows) and RealVNC (MAC).

A thorough overview of the Linode server management console is conducted, to show students how to scale servers, change root passwords, manage the DNS Zone file and create back-ups.

Section 9: FTP Setup

Students learn the role of an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client to connect to a remote server, through a local machine. We provide a live demonstration on file upload using FileZilla and explore the FileZilla Interface for connection management.

Section 10: HTML Development

This section explores HTML. HTML is a key fundamental building block when learning to develop websites. Students initially learn the basics of HTML page structure and gradually transition into working with spacing, text formatting, lists, images, videos, links, anchors, tables, forms and much more. We include several projects, where students are shown first-hand, how to develop and code html web pages from scratch.

Section 11: CSS Development

Students learn to use CSS to create stylish, responsive web page layouts. We start by discussing the parts and types of CSS rules, followed by CSS classes, DIVS, and ID’s. Students gain significant exposure to various formatting options, including margins, padding, font properties, backgrounds, transparency, positioning, link styling and CSS tables. This section includes a hands-on web development project where students utilize the concepts explored in the lesson.

Section 12: Document Object Model (DOM)

As a precursor to JavaScript, we explore the DOM (Document Object Model). We explain its usage and application in manipulating HTML and CSS elements.

Section 13: JavaScript Development

We introduce students to JavaScript coding to add interactivity to static HTML and CSS pages. The section starts with discussing JavaScript placement, using both internal and external scripts. We then take a look at JavaScript output, variable declarations, arithmetic operators, objects, strings, math functions, arrays, conditional statements, loops, functions and events. Students also go through two hands-on projects that will further solidify their knowledge of the concepts explored in the lessons.

Section 14: JQuery Library

We explore the jQuery library and many of its unique features, used to create stunning, animated web pages. We start with the basics, from embedding jQuery into web pages to working with Selectors. Students then explore working with events, toggling, fading, sliding, and other forms of animation. The lessons also teach students how to work with callbacks, chaining, dragables, accordion menus and many other functions.

Section 15: Bootstrap Framework

Students are taught to use the Bootstrap framework for responsive, mobile-first – front-end development. As one of the leading open-source development libraries, Bootstrap is an essential part of the developers coding arsenal. The section begins with teaching students how to include essential Bootstrap files into web pages. It then explores the Bootstrap Grid system and popular layout strategies for optimal cross-device and cross-browser compatibility.

Students gain exposure to just about every Bootstrap component, from typography, tables and images, to jumbotrons, wells, alerts, buttons, glyphicons and progress bars. The section includes several hands-on exercises that will walk students through the process of creating stunning layouts, complete with modals, carousels, popovers, drop-down menus, forms and much more.

Section 16: PHP Development

Students gain exposure to creating dynamic web applications and functionality using PHP. We start with the basics, including variable declaration and data output. The lessons then transition into working with objects, conditional statements, loops, functions, arrays and form validation.

Section 17: MySQL Database Integration

Students learn to unleash the true power of web application development with MySQL database integration. We start with the basics from database and table creation, to user management. Next we explore the execution of commonly used SQL statements for database modification and administration. Students are also taught how to create database connections and execute SQL statements from PHP scripts.

Section 18, 19 (XML, AJAX, & Development)

We explore XML and AJAX integration to create dynamic content, without page refresh. The lessons cover several hands-on training exercises that will encompass many of the exciting functions AJAX offers. Students will build a website complete with database integration, registration forms with server-side validation, user authentication, and a SMTP-based contact submit form.

Section 20: Google Apps for Work

Students learn to create a customized business email address using Google Apps for Work. Email administration is also explored, along with alias creation.

Who this course is for:

  • No prerequisite knowledge required
  • Students interested in a career in web development
  • Students interesting in starting a web based business
  • Students who want to transition from basic shared, vps or dedicated hosting packages to sophisticated cloud hosting solutions
  • Students wanting to update or learn new programming skills using the latest web scripting languages
  • Web Development enthusiasts


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