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How to write a winning book proposal

Last updated on October 18, 2024 8:06 pm


What you’ll learn

  • What benefits the publication of a book can bring to your academic career.
  • Where to start to design an effective book proposal.
  • How to assess the market to better positioning your book proposal.
  • How to choose the right publisher for your book.
  • What to do once your book proposal has been accepted.
  • What to do in case your book proposal has been rejected.

In academia, there is an old adage which states: “publish or perish”. Although not everyone might agree with it, and neither it represents an absolute and flawless truth, it is a fact that publication plays an important role in the academic career.

Within this context, book publishing is among the several types of publications one can display in their curriculum. However, while publishing a journal article for example requires certain skillsets, the publication of a book requires other group of skillsets to achieve the desired success in having your monograph published.

Therefore, taking this aspect in consideration, this course has been designed exactly to provide you with the essential skillsets to achieve your goal to have your book published.

This course was designed mostly for researchers, lectures and scholars who are trying to publish their first monography because at this early stage in their academic career, the learning curve might be longer than for someone who has already published one or two monographs.

Consequently, by successfully completing this course, the expectation is that this learning curve might be shortened considerably and, consequently, helping you to speed up a bit the process of having your first book exactly where it deserves. That is, on the hands of your target audience and on the shelves of bookshops and university libraries around the world.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is of interest of people who wish to publish their first monograph.


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