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12-Factor App Methodology Principles and Guidelines

Last updated on October 22, 2024 6:36 pm


What you’ll learn

  • Basics and History of 12 Factor App development principles
  • Benefits of the methodology, how and why to use 12 factor
  • In detail explanation of each of the 12 factors
  • Next steps in understanding more on 12 factor app, with best resources

Understanding how to design systems to run in the cloud has never been more important than it is today. Cloud computing is rapidly transitioning from a niche technology embraced by startups and tech-forward companies to the foundation upon which enterprise systems build their future. In order to compete in today’s market‐place, organizations large and small are embracing cloud architectures and practices.

Here, Developers are often left with many questions about the disciplines and practices they should adopt to build applications designed to take advantage of everything the cloud offers. This course around the Twelve-Factor App answers those questions and more.

The Twelve-Factor Application is one of these phrases that is gaining traction and is being passed around during planning meetings, discussions over coffee, and architecture review sessions. The problem with shared context and common language like buzz‐words is that not everyone has the same understanding. Twelve Factor to one person might mean something entirely different to someone else, and many viewers of this course might not have any exposure to the 12 factors.

So The goal of this course is to provide detail on what exactly TwelveFactor applications are so that hopefully everyone who has takes the course shares the same understanding of the factors. Additionally, this course aims to take you beyond the 12 factors, expanding on the original guidelines to accommodate modern thinking on building applications that don’t just function in the cloud, but thrive.

See you inside !

Who this course is for:

  • Cloud and Web developers, or infact developers of any domain
  • People looking to understand 12 factor app methodology in detail
  • IT professionals working on cloud domain – Managers, Analysts, Developers, Admins


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