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Grammar Perfection: Mastering the Most Common Errors

Last updated on October 26, 2024 10:28 am


What you’ll learn

  • The students will learn to identify and correct misspelled words, apostrophe errors and subject-verb agreement issues.
  • They will learn to use punctuation effectively and eliminate unnecessary words to enhance readability.
  • They will learn to differentiate between similar words and use them appropriately.
  • They will understand the proper usage of modifiers and pronouns in the sentences.
  • They will understand when to capitalize words and how to write numbers correctly.

1. Why should we use spell-check tools and proofread our writing carefully?

2. What may happen if we send an email or letter with incorrect spellings?

3. What are the different ways the word “to” can be used in a sentence?

4. What are the different meanings of “too”?

5. What number comes after one and before three?

6. What is meant by homophones?

7. What does the word “whether” mean?

8. What is the meaning of weather?

9. What does “there” refer to in a sentence?

10. Which pronoun shows possession?

11. What is the most common way to use the word “affect”?

12. What’s the difference between “affect” and “effect”?

13. When should I use “farther” instead of “further”?

14. What are the different meanings of “further”?

15. What does the verb “accept” mean?

16. What word is usually a preposition or conjunction that means “excluding,” “with the exception of,” or “other than”?

17. What are the two main uses of an apostrophe?

18. What is the tiny punctuation mark used to show possession or create contractions?

19. What is the purpose of subject-verb agreement in English grammar?

20. What grammatical rule ensures the subject and verb in a sentence match in number?

21. What happens when a modifier is not positioned close enough to the word it modifies?

22. How can you avoid the error of a misplaced modifier?

23. What are pronouns and how do they help us in our writing?

24. What are the different types of pronoun errors?

25. What is an antecedent?

26. What is the difference between a complete sentence and a sentence


27. Why should we avoid sentence fragments in formal writing?

28. What is the function of “who”?

29. Whom refers to the person performing the action. (True/False)

30. Whose shows ownership. (True/False)

31. Who’s is a contraction which is used in formal writing. (True/False)

32. A comma should be placed between the subject of a sentence and its verb.(True/False)

33. A comma should not separate a verb from its direct object. (True/False)

34. There should be a comma between two verbs with the same subject. (True/False)

35. A comma is needed before a dependent clause that comes at the end of a sentence. (True/False)

36. What are pronouns?

37. What happens if there is no clear antecedent in a sentence?

38. What is the meaning of a preposition?

39. Whether it is incorrect to end a sentence with a preposition?

40. What is meant by overwordy sentences?

41. What is the issue if the sentence contains unnecessary words or phrases?

42. What is meant by a compound sentence?

43. What does the acronym FANBOYS stand for?

44. Why comma is important in compound sentences?

45. “Good” is an adjective. When it is used?

46. “Well” functions as an adverb. What does it describe?

47. When does an incomplete comparison occur?

48. Why complete comparison is important?

49. Plural form indicates more than one of something. Whether it is often formed by adding “s” to the noun?

50. Possessive form shows ownership or relationship. Whether it is typically formed by adding an apostrophe and an “s” to a noun?

51. “Fewer” is used with countable nouns. (True/False)

52. “Less” is used with countable nouns. (True/False)

53. What is the difference between Your and You’are?

54. What kind of noun shows ownership or possession?

55. How a possessive noun can be formed from singular noun not ending in “s”?

56. What word is a subject pronoun that refers to the speaker and performs the action or exists in a state of being in a sentence?

57. Clarify:“I” or “Me” refers to the recipient of action.

58. Whether we can use “me” in the subject position?

59. Whehter it is ok to use “I” in the object position?

60. What is the meaning of “i.e.”?

61. When should we use “i.e.”?

62. What is meant by “e.g.”?

63. When should we use “e.g.”?

64. What is the meaning of peak?

65. What is meant by peek?

66. What is difference between peak and pique?

67. When to use the word “who”?

68. When should we use the word “that”?

69. What does the preposition “into”indicate?

70. What is the difference between “into” and “in to”?

71. What is the meaning of word “lose”?

72. What is meant by “loose”?

73. What is the opposite word of “loose”?

74. What is the benefit of using correct verb tense?

75. Why should we avoid unnecessary shifts between tenses?

76. Clarify which tense (present/past/future) should be used for writing instructions or guidelines.

77. What is the function of a semicolon?

78. When should we use a colon?

79. What is meant by complement?

80. What is the meaning of compliment?

81. What is the meaning of “then”?

82. When should we use “than”?

83. What is the difference between “of” and “have”?

84. What is the meaning of a two-word phrase “A lot”?

85. What is meant by “allot”?

86. What is the function of commas in a series?

87. What is meant by Oxford Comma?

88. Do you agree that sometimes, a comma is optional in a series?

89. When should we use introductory commas?

90. What is the meaning of assure?

91. What is meant by insure?

92. What is the meaning of ensure?

93. What is the function of the word “between”?

94. When the word “among” is used?

95. When do capitalization errors often occur?

96. In general, numbers from one to nine should be written out in words or in numerals when used in a sentence. Clarify.

97. When a number appears at the beginning of a sentence, we should generally write out numbers in words or numerals. Clarify.

98. What do the ordinal numbers indicate?

Who this course is for:

  • Students, Professionals, and anyone seeking to improve their English communication skills


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