What you’ll learn
Fundamentals of JAVA in depth
Multithreading in depth
Collections in depth
Spring boot Introduction (Spring framework vs Spring boot)
Some Important Annotaions
IOC and Dependency Injection
Beans and its lifecycle
Topics covered for Java:
Constructor etc.
4 pillars
Basic Overview of Java:
Procedural vs OOPs
What is Java and what makes it Platform Independent
Setting Class path Environment Variables
Going One Level Deep:
Writing First Java Program
Understanding Classes, different types and Objects
Abstract Classes
Inner Classes etc.
Understanding Variables
Static Variables
Final Variables
Primitive Variables
Object references
Cover Big decimal vs Double
Understanding about String
String Pool
String Immutability
Access Specifiers
Type Casting
Implicit Type Casting
Explicit Type Casting
Understanding Method and Different Types
Cover Return Type
Cover static method
Method parameters
Pass by value vs pass by reference
Overloading etc.
How does Memory Management Happens in Java
Understand about heap and stack memory
Garbage Collector
Understand Constructor
Private Constructor
Default Constructor
Parametrized Constructor
Constructor vs Method
Files and Directories in Java
Read and Write from File using Scanners
Understanding Package and import
Understand POJOs etc.…..
Arithmetic Operator
Relational Operator
Short Circuit Operator
Assignment Operator
Logical Operator
Ternary Operator
Bitwise Operator
Enums and its advanced usage
Control Flow Statements:
If Statement
If Else Statement
If Else Ladder
Switch Statement and when to use
For Loop
While Loop
Do While Loop
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Multithreading and Concurrency:
ThreadPool Executors and Concurrency in Depth
Exception Handling:
Handling of Compile Time and
Handling of Run time errors
Checked and unchecked exception
Generic Programming in Java:
Understand how to write generic classes and methods in java, and when to use
Java Collections:
Array List
Priority Queue
Tree Set
Tree Map
HashMap etc.
Java 8 Features:
Functional Interface
Lambda Expression
Stream APIs
ForEach method
Default and static method in interface
Topics covered till now for Spring boot:
In this course you will find below topics:
Introduction to Spring Boot: First i have covered the fundamentals of Spring Boot and its differentiation from Spring MVC. (Also covered by Servlets, which was way popular before Spring framework) This provides a foundational understanding of the framework’s significance in Java web development.
Project Setup in Spring Boot: The next step involves the setup of a Spring Boot project, essential for initiating our development endeavours. This phase ensures our environment is configured optimally for future application development.
Understanding Layered Architecture: Layered architecture is pivotal for the organisation and scalability of our applications. This concept enables us to structure our code in a manner that promotes modularity and maintainability.
Maven and Its Lifecycle: Maven serves as a powerful tool for project management and dependency resolution. Understanding its lifecycle is crucial for efficient project development and management of dependencies. We can create Spring boot project using Maven or Gradle, so understanding of this, i think is must.
Controller Layer Annotations: Get in-depth understanding of annotations such as @RestController and @RequestMapping facilitates the development of RESTful APIs. These annotations provide directives to Spring Boot, dictating the behavior of our controllers. Covered many other annotation like @RestController @Controller @Responebody @RequetMapping @RequestParam @PathVariable @InitBinder @RequestBody
Bean Lifecycle in Spring Boot: In this you will get to know about BEAN and its lifecycle, I have also explained about IOC (Inversion of Control) which manages those Bean.
You will get to know about different ways of creating Bean (@Component and @Bean annotation), Different types when bean get created (Eagerly and Lazily).
7. Spring boot : Dependency Injection
8. Spring boot Bean Scopes
9. How to Dynamically initialized Beans
10. Spring boot @ConditionalOnProperty Annotation
11. Spring boot @Profile annotation
12. Spring boot AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
13. Spring boot @Transactional Annotation
14. Spring boot @Async Annotation
15. Spring boot: Custom Interceptors
16. Spring boot: Filters vs Interceptors
17. Spring boot HATEOAS Restful API
18. Spring boot ResponseEntity and Response Codes
19. Spring boot – Exception Handling
Who this course is for:
- Backend Software engineers
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