Note: You can watch it for free on Youtube.
In this Tajweed course, students will learn essential rules to improve their Quranic recitation with accuracy and beauty. The course will cover the following key topics:
Qalqalah and Ghunnah
Noon Sakinah (النون الساكنة) Rules
Izhar (الإظهار)
Idgham (الإدغام)
Iqlab (الإقلاب)
Ikhfa (الإخفاء)
Meem Sakinah (الميم الساكنة) Rules
Ikhfa Shafawi (الإخفاء الشفوي)
Idgham Shafawi (الإدغام الشفوي)
Izhar Shafawi (الإظهار الشفوي)
Madd (المد) and Its Types
Natural Madd (المد الطبيعي)
Secondary Madd (المد الفرعي)
Madd Wajib Muttasil (المد الواجب المتصل)
Madd Jaiz Munfasil (المد الجائز المنفصل)
Madd Badal (مد البدل)
Madd Laazim (المد اللازم)
Kalimi (كلمي)
Harfi (حرفي)
Madd Aridh Lil-Sukoon (المد العارض للسكون)
Madd Leen (مد اللين)
Characteristics of the Letters (صفات الحروف)
Permanent Characteristics (صفات لازمة):
Hams (الهمس) & Jahr (الجهر)
Shiddah (الشدة), Rikhawah (الرخاوة), and Tawassut (التوسط)
Isti’laa (الاستعلاء) & Istifal (الاستفال)
Itbaq (الإطباق) & Infitaah (الانفتاح)
Idhlaq (الإذلاق) & Ismat (الإصمات)
Incidental Characteristics (صفات عارضة):
Qalqalah (القلقلة)
Tafkheem (التفخيم) & Tarqeeq (الترقيق)
Madd and Ghunnah (الغنة)
There are examples provided for all the rules and feel free to reach out anytime.
This course is designed to help students master the art of Quranic recitation by understanding and applying these essential Tajweed rules with practical exercises and recitation practice.
Who this course is for:
- Beginners who want to master Tajweed, reach the goal via tajweed rules
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