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Free Tutorial – Free Guide | Jungle Tracking Masterclass | Season 14



As a laner, dying to jungle ganks is one of the most frustrating things. You’ve built a lead, you are applying pressure and then, the enemy jungler shows up and takes away the lead you built for yourself.

If only there was a way to prevent this from happening…

Introducing lolcoachacademy’s Free Jungle Tracking Masterclass for Season 14.

Built by our challenger coach, Coach Sagittarius, you will learn everything you need to know to never die from a gank again (as long as you are paying attention)

By the end of this 60-minute masterclass, you will:

1. Understand the basics of jungle pathing and how you can abuse this knowledge to dominate laning phase

2. Learn how to die less from jungle ganks and build consistent lane leads every time

3. Discover how to bait the enemy jungler into ganking you (counter-ganking & baiting)

4. Develop the ability to waste the enemy jungler’s time through god-tier map awareness

5. Master warding and vision control.

This course is designed for:

1. All League of Legends skill levels below Grand Master

2. All laners (top ,mid, adc, support) who are dying too often to ganks

3. Junglers who want to learn how to track the enemy jungler and win more games

Who this course is for:

  • Players who are dying too much during laning phase
  • Players who don’t know how to track the enemy jungler
  • Players who have a basic understanding of jungle pathing & tracking but want to take it to the next level
  • Players who want to climb to Diamond+

Course content

  • Introduction1 lecture • 2min
  • Introduction
  • The two most important pieces of information to begin mastering jungle tracking1 lecture • 4min
  • The two most important pieces of information to begin mastering jungle tracking
  • What jungle tracking information should you focus on and why?2 lectures • 14min
  • What jungle tracking information should you focus on and why?
  • How to never die from a gank again2 lectures • 13min
  • How to never die from a gank again
  • How to win more games using jungle tracking1 lecture • 8min
  • How to win more games using jungle tracking
  • How to become a mind reader and predict the future1 lecture • 6min
  • How to become a mind reader and predict the future
  • Conclusion: Thank you for completing the course and special bonuses1 lecture • 1min
  • Conclusion: Thank you for completing the course and special bonuses


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