What you’ll learn
Targetting google , Tiktok and Swisscom ltd bug bounty scopes
Will know more about Owasp 10
Will Know more than 200 differnt Vulnerabilities
Will practise all senarios of real targets
Will Get full knowlege of Exploitation
Will Be able to enumerate Subdomain with high level
Will be able to use more than 70 + tools in different senarios
Able to exploit Logic Vulnerabilities
Will Be able to know most of Broken Access Control Senarios
Will Know more about Senarios of Invitation Vulnerablities
Source Code Review in github
Break Protocols in Advanced Way
Deserlization Attacks
RCE vulnerabilites
Advanced Level Of Sql injection
Read and analyze more than 1000 report in all over the course
Solve more than 200 labs of portswigger and Hack the box
Get Most of the content of EWAPTX
This content is for educational purpose only and not Hossam Shady Nor Udemy are responsible for misuse of any information to hack anything
This course made especially for those who need to work as penetration testers in companies or bug hunters under the authorization and full permissions of the companies
in this course we will target great scopes as google and swisscom LTD , we will know how to exploit vulnerabilities in very advanced ways and know more about source code review and how to get Critical Vulnerabilities in many platforms as hackerone , bugcrowd etc… , will write real reports and use more than 50 tools of exploitation and know more about Burpsuite ,Autorize and burpsuite Autorepeater moreover we will know more about burpbounty and Collaborator everywhere for all of that we will get more logic vulnerabilities as bypass payment process and Race conditions in very advanced ways and read more than 10 reports about every vulnerablities and help you to create and make your methodology of hacking sites even it was in jira , wordpress , drupal etc… and will know more about identifying vulnerabilities about every Technology as php , javascript etc… , this course will explain all the content of Ewapt more over adding real scenarios for every idea and vulnerability and get more information about nuclei and how to create efficient nuclei templates , after getting full information about everything of those we will target many external programs as google and Swisscom after that create efficient way of reporting these vulnerabilities and prove of concept and all details about the vulnerabilities found and this course will bypass more than 40 hours after this course you will be able to start attacking sites and make your first bounty as we will know what is accepted in platforms as hackerone and bugcrowd
Who this course is for:
- Hacking web applications
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