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Outstanding | Python Programming with Examples in One Day

Last updated on March 4, 2025 4:16 pm


What you’ll learn

  • Understand the basics of Python programming language and its syntax.
  • Set up the Python environment on their computer.
  • Use variables to store data and perform basic operations on them.
  • Input and output data from the console.
  • Add comments to their code for better understanding.
  • Understand the different data types in Python, including strings, numbers, and lists.
  • Use operators to perform basic arithmetic and comparison operations.
  • Make decisions using conditional statements.
  • Use loops to iterate over data and perform repetitive tasks.
  • Define and call functions to encapsulate reusable code.
  • Work with arrays to store and manipulate large amounts of data.
  • Install and use third-party Python packages using PIP.
  • Work with strings and numbers in Python.

Introduction to Python Programming with Examples in One Day

“Learn Python in one day” is a comprehensive course designed for individuals who want to learn Python programming language quickly and efficiently.

Projects Included:

These are the projects, we included to learn Python building mini Proejcts.

  1. Basic Percentage Calculator in Python

  2. Personalized Greeting Application

  3. String Manipulation Tool

  4. Bank Management System

  5. Array Sorting Tool

  6. To-Do List Application

Python Programming in ONE DAY

You will learn Python Programming language in one day, we break this course into three sessions:

  • Morning time session

  • Afternoon Time session

  • Night Time Session

Overall Course

The course is structured into three learning sessions; morning, afternoon, and evening.

The morning session introduces students to the fundamentals of Python programming language, including the basic syntax, environment setup, variables, input/output, comments, and data types.

The afternoon session is dedicated to decision making, loops, and operators, which are important concepts for building control structures in Python programs.

The evening session covers functions, array, PIP (Package Installer for Python), and string and number manipulation.

By the end of the course, students will be able to write Python programs efficiently and effectively, with a good understanding of the language’s syntax, control structures, and built-in functions.”

Instructor Experiences and Education:

  1. Faisal Zamir is an experienced programmer and expert in computer science with a Master’s degree in the field.

  2. He has over 7 years of experience teaching at schools, colleges, and universities.

  3. Faisal has worked on projects involving PHP, Java, Python, web development, software engineering, and database management.

  4. As an instructor, he successfully teaches students from beginners to advanced levels, using a practical approach.

  5. Faisal is passionate about helping students achieve their goals through his unique teaching style, blending theory with real-world examples.

Outlines for  Learn Python Programming

These are the outlines for Python Programming Course, you will complete this course in one day but you have to practice for a lifetime to become an expert in Python  Programming.

  1. Introduction

  2. Environment setup

  3. Variables

  4. Input/output


  6. Data Types

  7. Operators

  8. Decision Making

  9. Loops

  10. Functions

  11. Array

  12. PIP

  13. String & Number

Thank you

Faisal Zamir

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in learning Python programming quickly and efficiently.
  • Beginner programmers who want to start with a simple and easy-to-learn programming language.
  • Experienced programmers who want to add Python to their skillset.
  • Students who need to learn Python for their coursework or projects.
  • Professionals who want to enhance their data analysis or machine learning skills with Python.
  • Entrepreneurs or business owners who want to automate tasks or create their own software solutions using Python.


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