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Create Powerful Vision Boards to Manifest Your Dream Life



What you’ll learn

  • What vision boards are and how they, their historical origins and their use among celebrities.
  • Why working with vision boards is so effective.
  • What types of vision boards exist.
  • What the law of attraction is and how it is related to vision boards.
  • What role manifestation plays in working with vision boards.
  • What areas of life can be considered when making a life vision board.
  • How meditation can help to clarify your desires, connect images and emotional connections.
  • How to craft your personal life vision board (step-by-step).
  • How to write powerful affirmations.
  • Where you can place your vision board.
  • How you can work with your vision board on a daily basis to make it more effective.
  • What kind of inspired actions you can take to move closer towards your desires.
  • How you can review and update your vision board to ensure it remains a powerful tool for your life.

Welcome to this online course in which I am sharing with you the powerful tool of a life vision board that has helped me navigate through my life over the past 5 years.

In this course, I am sharing with you everything that I learned from my personal research in in-depth research into the theory and practice of creating and working with vision boards.

The foundation behind vision boards is the law of attraction which says that when you focus your thoughts and energy on what you want to achieve or experience, you send out vibrations into the universe that attract similar vibrations or experiences into your life. Using a vision board as a visualization tool and working with them on a daily basis through meditation, affirmations, and gratitude will help you attract all the things that you truly want into your life. Regularly reviewing and updating your vision board ensures that it will remain a powerful tool for the rest of your life.

This course includes 14 video lessons, a comprehensive training manual, practical tasks, and a powerful meditation (35 min) that you can use to get clear on what it is that you want to attract into your life.  All video lessons are available as downloadable video files. 

I hope that you enjoy this course and that it inspires you to integrate vision boards as a powerful tool of your life.

Note: This course will SOON be AVAILABLE IN GERMAN.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for anyone for whom it is time to finally attract the life they truly want and learnt how to effectively manifest with vision boards.
  • It is also for people who want to learn how to attract significant changes into their life
  • and for those who want to learn the scientific and spiritual background behind vision boards.

Course content

  • Introduction2 lectures • 7min
  • Introduction
  • Module 1: Introduction into Vision Boards4 lectures • 14min
  • Module 1: Introduction into Vision Boards
  • Module 2: The Law of Attraction5 lectures • 14min
  • Module 2: The Law of Attraction
  • Module 3: Creating your Life Vision Board5 lectures • 47min
  • Module 3: Creating your Life Vision Board
  • Module 4: Working with Your Vision Board5 lectures • 14min
  • Module 4: Working with Your Vision Board
  • Conclusion1 lecture • 1min
  • Conclusion


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