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Free Tutorial – azure signalr serverless

Last updated on May 27, 2024 12:27 pm


SignalR is a library for .NET which allows developers to add real-time capabilities to their applications. It provides a framework for managing connections from various clients, including web pages, , desktop applications,  mobile apps and more.

Every modern application has some sort of real-time-communication need. With the rise of microservices and serverless, many developers find themselves working with applications that run on multiple servers. Azure SignalR Service can help you scale these applications by allowing users to connect to a central location and enabling other services to send messages to users quickly without worrying about hosting, scalability, and load balancing. Curious about how to use Azure SignalR Service to build real-time applications in the cloud? This course covers what you need to know to get up and running.

At the end of this course you will be confident to take what you learned and implement SignalR in your project! This is 100% hands on course, so lets get started!

My main focus is not to teach you some theory at the beginning and after that start with real world application and how you can practically use SignalR. The course is built using and javascript. I always thrive to keep content up to date and if you have any questions, you can ask me .

Who this course is for:

  • developers who are interested in learning how to build real-time web applications with SignalR

Course content

  • Introduction4 lectures • 13min
  • Introduction
  • Scaling using signal service4 lectures • 21min
  • Scaling using signal service
  • Configuring serverless real time connections using signalr service6 lectures • 29min
  • Configuring serverless real time connections using signalr service


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