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MERN Stack Bootcamp 2024: Build 2 Real Projects-Clean Code



What you’ll learn

  • MERN Stack Secure Authentication System
  • How to Implement Google Authentication
  • How to Implement Facebook Authentication
  • How to Activate Your Account After Signing Up Using Email Verification
  • Secure OTP and Token-Based Authentication System
  • How to Send Emails Using SendGrid and Nodemailer
  • How to Write API Endpoints Using Node JS and Express JS
  • How to Update User Information and Receive Email Notifications for Changes
  • Resetting Passwords Using an OTP System and Email

Welcome to this in-depth MERN Stack Authentication course, where you will go deeply into the details of security and user authentication with OAuth, JWT, and email verification. This course is intended for developers, regardless of expertise level, who wish to include strong authentication mechanisms into their MERN Stack applications.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Google and Facebook Authentication Systems: Learn how to combine OAuth authentication with Google and Facebook to enable users to safely log in with their social network credentials.

  • Email Verification: Discover how to add email verification to your application so that legitimate users are the only ones who can access it.

  • OTP System: Learn about One-Time Password (OTP) systems and how to use them to verify and authenticate users securely.

  • Update User Information: Find out how you protect user privacy and data integrity while enabling users to safely update their profile information.

  • Secure API Endpoint Writing: Learn the craft of creating safe Node.js and Express.js API endpoints by applying best practices for permission and authentication.

You will have the abilities and know-how to create reliable authentication systems in your MERN Stack applications at the end of the course, guaranteeing the security and accuracy of user data. You’ll also learn about sophisticated authentication methods and approaches, which will enable you to keep up with developments in the field.

Who this course is for:

  • MERN Stack Developers Interested in Learning Secure Authentication Systems
  • Developers Wanting to Learn Google and Facebook Authentication Systems
  • If You Want to Learn Secure OTP and Token-Based Login and Password Reset Systems
  • Developers Wanting to Learn Secure API Endpoint Development
  • How to Send Emails After Sign-Up and Sign-In Using SendGrid
  • How to Deploy a Project to a Cloud Serve

Course content

  • Introduction2 lectures • 7min
  • Introduction
  • Download Resources: Project Source Code2 lectures • 1min
  • Download Resources: Project Source Code
  • Photo Sharing App: Project – 135 lectures • 4hr 1min
  • Photo Sharing App: Project – 1
  • Authentication App-Google,Facebook and JWT: Project – 245 lectures • 6hr 16min
  • Authentication App-Google,Facebook and JWT: Project – 2


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