Interview Oriented Data Structure Arrays & Linked List C|C++



What you’ll learn

  • Students will be able to understand Arrays & Linked Lists thoroughly concept wise and practically.
  • As there are hands-on multiple programs with execution of it on IDE, students will learn Arrays & Linked List with its applications in depth
  • It covers frequently asked questions with solution in GATE exam & FAANG
  • Arrays & Linked Lists which are important data structures and used in multiple applications
  • Sessions are on both Whiteboard as well as on IDE on Laptop
  • Sessions are taken in both C & C++
  • As have attached all the Code source for Arrays & Linked Lists with its applications in different sessions, students can refer it.
  • Crack any Interview in this huge IT Industry as Array & Linked Lists are Trending Topic to learn

Interview Oriented Data Structure Arrays & Linked List C|C++ – Frequently Asked Questions with Solution for GATE & FAANG

Did you anytime know how arrays & Linked Lists are popularly used data structures ? ? If NO then Interview oriented Arrays & LinkedList in C & C++ is good to start with.

About this Course:

1. This Course Covers in depth Arrays & Linked List with its applications concept wise and practically.

2. As there are hands-on multiple programs with execution of it on IDE, students will learn Arrays & Linked List with its applications in depth.

3. It covers frequently asked questions with solution for GATE exam & FAANG

4. Arrays & Linked Lists which are important data structures and used in multiple applications

5. Sessions are on both Whiteboard as well as on IDE on Laptop

6. Sessions are taken in both C & C++

7. As have attached all the Code source for Arrays & Linked Lists with its applications in different sessions, students can refer it.

8. Crack any Interview in this huge IT Industry

This Course will cover all basic concepts of Arrays & Linked Lists with not only covering “how to code” but also putting light on details “Why it is required and How important it is” so that your all concepts will be cleared from scratch and you can crack any interview giving technical answers covering all the points.

Who this course is for:

  • C Developers, C++ Developers, Java Developers, php Developers etc.
  • College Students/ Freshers, Trainers
  • In addition with all those who interested in cracking interview
  • Also Other Language Developers
  • Testers, Freelancers


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