Flutter Store App GraphQl,Bloc, Freezed & Clean Architecture



What you’ll learn

  • Flutter Advanced GraphQl Api And Clean Architecture
  • Freezed , Bloc Pattern , Dio And Retrofit
  • Firebase Notifications , Local Notification , Cloud Firestore and Stream
  • Hive , Env , and Dynamic Link & Share

Flutter Store app, Learn how can make a full app using Bloc Pattern State Management, and how can use GraphQl  API, with clean Architecture,

Build a strong App in Flutter and Dart.

  • Clean Architecture

  • Bloc Pattern

  • Graphql Api

  • Rest APi

  • Get IT Injection

  • Dio & Retrofit

  • Github

  • Firebase Notifications

  • Local Notification

  • Cloud Firestore

  • Stream

  • Dynamic Link & Share

  • Hive

  • Env

  • Animation

  • Pagination

  • Dark Mode

  • Localization Change Language

  • Response Ui

  • WebView

  • Native Splash Screen

A Powerful State Management

Bloc Pattern  is an extra-light and powerful solution for Flutter. It combines high-performance state management, Clean Code

This app covers Flutter for very beginners to advanced learners. We start from very simple ui like drawing text to complex layout.

We also built reusable widget to reduce code amount. So at the end of this tutorial you learn how to build simple to complex reusable flutter widgets. Eventually we will master Firebase Notifications,

Content and Overview

Suitable for anyone has basic Flutter and Dart, through this course of and 31 hours of content, you will learn how to make full app with Bloc Pattern, Freezed, you will make many screens,

Who this course is for:

  • People who want to make the flutter app faster using Bloc And Freezed Flutter

  • People who want to make scalable apps using  Bloc And Freezed  Flutter

Who this course is for:

  • If You has one year of experience with flutter and dart


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