Free Tutorial – Psycholinguistics in Linguistics



In this course, we are learning about Psycholinguistics with respect to the following:

  1. Some definitions of Psycholinguistics

  2. Processes of language learning

    • Language comprehension

    • Language production

  3. Differences between Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics

  4. Neurolinguistics

    • Left hemisphere

    • Right hemisphere

  5. Types of Aphasia

    • Broca’s Aphasia

    • Wernicke’s Aphasia

  6. Language learning and Language Acquisition

  7. Differences between Behaviorism and Mentalism

    1. Behaviorism

      • Skinner’s box experiment on rats and pigeons

      • Pavlov’s salivation experiment on Dogs

    2. Mentalism

      • Language Acquisition Device

      • Nim, the ape experiment

  8. Stages of language acquisition

   a. pre -linguistic stage (Birth-10 months)

  • Crying

  • Cooing

  • Babbling

   b. The Holophrastic Stage (12months-18months)

   c. Telegraphic stage (2years-3 years)

   d. The complex stage (3years-5years)

In this course, we are learning about Psycholinguistics with respect to the following:

  1. Some definitions of Psycholinguistics

  2. Processes of language learning

    • Language comprehension

    • Language production

  3. Differences between Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics

  4. Neurolinguistics

    • Left hemisphere

    • Right hemisphere

  5. Types of Aphasia

    • Broca’s Aphasia

    • Wernicke’s Aphasia

  6. Language learning and Language Acquisition

  7. Differences between Behaviorism and Mentalism

    1. Behaviorism

      • Skinner’s box experiment on rats and pigeons

      • Pavlov’s salivation experiment on Dogs

    2. Mentalism

      • Language Acquisition Device

      • Nim, the ape experiment

  8. Stages of language acquisition

   a. pre -linguistic stage (Birth-10 months)

  • Crying

  • Cooing

  • Babbling

   b. The Holophrastic Stage (12months-18months)

   c. Telegraphic stage (2years-3 years)

   d. The complex stage (3years-5years)

Who this course is for:

  • All levels


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