JavaScript Interview Masterclass: Top 300 Questions (2024)



What you’ll learn

  • How to Crack JavaScript Interviews
  • 200 JavaScript Interview Question and Answers
  • 50 JavaScript Coding and Scenario Based Interview Questions
  • JavaScript Interview Preparation

One Stop Destination For All Interview Questions.

Top 300 Interview Questions and Answers Video Lectures with Revision PDF Books.

1. Top 200 JavaScript Interview Questions

    (Topics from which  questions are covered)

  1. Basics

  2. Variables and data types

  3. Operators & Conditions

  4. Arrays

  5. Loops

  6. Functions

  7. Strings

  8. DOM

  9. Error Handling

  10. Objects

  11. Events

  12. Closures

  13. Asynchronous programming: basics

  14. Asynchronous Programming: Promises

  15. Asynchronous Programming: Async Await

  16. Browser APIs and Web Storage

  17. Classes, constructors, this, and inheritance

  18. ECMAScript and Modules

  19. Security and Performance

  20. Scenario-based: Tricky Short Questions

  21. Scenario-based feature development questions

  22. JS Coding Questions

2. (BONUS) Top 100 HTML, CSS & Bootstrap Interview Questions

    (Topics from which  questions are covered)

  • HTML5  Chapters:   

  1. Basics & Document Structure

  2. HTML Elements & Tags – Part I

  3. HTML Elements & Tags – Part II

  4. HTML Attributes, HTML Links & Navigation

  5. HTML Lists & Tables

  6. HTML Images & Multimedia

  7. HTML Forms

  8. Best Practices & Deployment

  9. Responsiveness & Others

  • CSS  Chapters:  

  1. Basics & Implementation

  2. Selectors in CSS

  3. Layout and Positioning

  4. Responsive Design.

  • Bootstrap  Chapters:

  1. Bootstrap

Revision PDF Boos: All notes are present in PDF and PPT format in resources of the course.

Interview Preparation Tracker Sheet: All questions listed in this tracker excel. Just have a look just before the interviews.

About Instructor: The instructor has more than 15 years of experience in full-stack development and has given and taken more than 100 interviews in his career.

All the best for your interview preparation.

Who this course is for:

  • Candidate looking for JavaScript jobs in software industry


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