Cryptography and System Security



What you’ll learn

  • Substitution techniques: Caesar Cipher, Affine Cipher, Vigenere cipher, Playfair cipher
  • Transposition techniques: Keyed and Keyless transposition ciphers
  • Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm
  • Man in the Middle Attack Example
  • Key Distribution Center (KDC)
  • Public Key Cryptosystem: RSA Algorithm and its examples

These courses is designed to bridge the gap between theoretical cryptography and its practical applications in securing digital communications.

In the RSA algorithm section, learners are introduced to the foundations of public key cryptography, exploring the RSA algorithm’s key generation, encryption, and decryption processes. The course breaks down the complex mathematical concepts underlying RSA, such as prime number theory and modular arithmetic, and provides solved examples to illustrate how RSA secures data transmission.

The Diffie-Hellman segment delves into the mechanism of secure key exchange over an insecure channel, explaining the mathematical principles that enable this process. It offers practical examples of how Diffie-Hellman is implemented in cryptographic protocols, emphasizing the algorithm’s significance in ensuring secure communications.

Additionally, the course covers MitM attacks, where it elaborates on how attackers intercept communications between two parties to eavesdrop or manipulate messages. Through real-world examples, it showcases the techniques employed in MitM attacks and discusses prevention strategies, underscoring the importance of encryption and secure communication practices.

These courses combines theoretical knowledge with practical exercises, including solved examples, to equip students with the skills needed to navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity and cryptography.

The content focusing on the RSA algorithm, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks

Who this course is for:

  • Engineering, Diploma , BSc, MSc


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