Business Fundamentals: Enterprise



What you’ll learn

  • Planning a business to maximise gains
  • Business opportunities for 2022
  • Evaluation of opportunities
  • Economy post-Brexit
  • A business idea they can do RIGHT NOW

This is an evolving and involving course. We start off with lecture on the preparatory steps to be taken when starting a business. Then we look at the impact of Brexit. Then we look at many business ideas – and here is the ‘evolving/involving’ bit. You’ve been through the preparatory stage and the business basics. So – float your idea(s) and let’s have a look. bounce ideas…discuss.

This course will be regularly updated so even if the basics appear dated, the preparation a little old it is the NEW lectures you need to watch out for as these will be in response to student activities, student ideas and student comments.

This course is your sounding board, your incubation, your ideas house!

So, the first section is:

1. Preparation – if you’re new to business – go slowly


1. Business basics – mentoring, Head Office, determination.


1. The Economy post-Brexit


1. Many many business ideas that you can put into practice. These are current as at May 2022

Now – and this is the important thing – keep checking back on this Course Description is you are unsure about this course as new lectures (in response to changes in the economies) will be detailed here. In particular we (you) will be looking at business ideas – and what may suit one country may not suit another. Also, not every business is started for profit. Maybe it is an idea to help the locality, to help the environment or simply to provide meaningful employment.

This course is a discussion hub.

Who this course is for:

  • Those thinking of starting up on their own


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